The 4th International Conference on Robotics, Artificial intelligence and Intelligent Control(RAIIC 2025)

RAIIC 2024

2024年第三届机器人、人工智能与智能控制国际会议(RAIIC 2024)圆满召开!

The 3rd    International Conference on Robotics, Artificial intelligence and Intelligent Control(RAIIC 2024) wraps up successfully


   7月6日,在中共绵阳市委人才工作领导小组办公室、中共绵阳市涪城区委组织部、中共梓潼县委人才工作领导小组办公室的大力支持下,由西南科技大学发起,联合哈尔滨工业大学、加拿大圭尔夫大学、莫斯科理工大学、中国兵器装备集团自动化研究所有限公司、绵阳市科学技术协会共同主办的2024年机器人、人工智能与智能控制国际会议(RAIIC 2024)在绵阳召开!

The 3nd International Conference of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Control (RAIIC 2023) was successfully held in Mianyang, China during July 5-7, 2024. On July 6th, with strong support from the Talent Work Leading Group Office of the Mianyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Organization Department of the Fucheng District Committee of Mianyang City, and the Talent Work Leading Group Office of the Zitong County Committee of the Communist Party of China, the 2024 International Conference on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Intelligent Control (RAIIC 2024), initiated by Southwest University of Science and Technology and co-hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology, University of Guelph (Canada), Moscow State Technical University, China North Industries Group Corporation Limited - Automation Research Institute, and Mianyang Association for Science and Technology, was held in Mianyang! 



The conference is jointly organized by the School of Information Engineering at Southwest University of Science and Technology, the Extreme Manufacturing Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the Artificial Intelligence Institute of China (Mianyang) Science and Technology City, the AEIC Academic Exchange Center, and the Guangdong Aisi Informationization Academic Exchange Research Institute. It is co-hosted by the Key Laboratory of Special Environment Robotics Technology in Sichuan Province, the Engineering Technology Research Center for Industrial Autonomous and Controllable Artificial Intelligence in Sichuan Province, the Sichuan Humanoid Robot Innovation Alliance, and the Academician Workstation of Southwest University of Science and Technology. More than 200 experts and scholars from Canada, Russia, China, and other countries, including academic leaders, as well as representatives from 35 universities and research institutes such as University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shandong University, Shanghai Maritime University, and Yunnan University, gathered in Mianyang for this event.



The conference adopts a "1+6" format, featuring a plenary session with keynote speeches, three parallel sessions of invited talks, oral presentations, journal editorial meetings, and a special session titled "Science Afternoon Tea at Sichuan Mianyang Industrial Park". In total, more than 40 presentations are scheduled, aiming to create a high-level, international, and forward-looking academic event.

Opening Remarks    大会开幕致辞

  开幕式上,中国工程院范国滨院士、四川省绵阳市人民政府胡进耀副市长、西南科技大学党委常委余家欣教授、莫斯科理工大学副校长Davydova Yulia教授分别进行会议致辞。希望大会搭建国际科技人才交流平台,以合作交流提升科学研究水平和人才培养质量,推动西南科技大学学科建设,加快绵阳科技城建设,共享科创发展新机遇。

At the opening ceremony, speeches were delivered by AcademicianGuobin Fan from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice Mayor Jinyao Hu of Mianyang Municipal People's Government in Sichuan Province, Professor Jiaxin Yu, member of the Party Committee of Southwest University of Science and Technology, and Professor Davydova Yulia, Vice President of Moscow State Technical University. They expressed their hopes that the conference would establish an international platform for scientific and technological exchange, enhance scientific research capabilities and talent development through collaboration, promote discipline construction at Southwest University of Science and Technology, accelerate the development of Mianyang Science and Technology City, and jointly seize new opportunities for scientific and technological innovation and development.



 online welcome speech by Prof. Guobin Fan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering



welcome speech from deputy mayor Jinyao Hu, Mianyang Municipal People's Government



welcome speech from Prof. Jin Yuiaxmember of the Party Committee of Southwest University of Science and Technology


莫斯科理工大学副校长Yulia Davyodova致辞

welcome speech from Yulia Davyodova,vice president of Moscow Polytechnic University

Promotion Session 推介会


To strengthen collaboration and exchanges among domestic and international peers, and to establish a platform for exchanging knowledge, achievements, and talents, the conference included a city promotion session for Fucheng District, Mianyang City. This session was conducted by Shengli Zeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Fucheng District Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Organization.



Shengli Zeng, Organization Department Director,CPC Standing Committee of Fucheng District Committee of Mianyang

Conference Speakers   大会嘉宾报告环节

  大会报告环节,俄罗斯工程院外籍院士、国家杰青、IEEE Fellow广东工业大学谢胜利教授,圭尔夫大学杨先一教授,国际欧亚科学院院士、IEEE Fellow、重庆大学宋永端教授,四川“天府峨眉计划”创新领军人才、四川大学杨鑫松教授共四位嘉宾作主旨报告,围绕机器人、人工智能与智能控制等前沿话题,分享最新科研成果、关键挑战及发展趋势。

During the conference session, four distinguished speakers delivered keynote reports. They included Professor Shengli Xie from Guangdong University of Technology, a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, National Distinguished Youth Scholar, and IEEE Fellow; Professor Simon X. Yang from the University of Guelph; Professor YongduanSong from Chongqing University, an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and IEEE Fellow; and Professor XinsongYang from Sichuan University, an innovation leader of Sichuan's "Tianfu Emei Plan". They focused on cutting-edge topics such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and intelligent control, sharing their latest research findings, key challenges, and development trends.


Prof. Shengli Xie,Guangdong University of Technology, China

Title: New High-Precision Deformation Measurement Method in Optical Coherence Tomography Driven by Artificial Intelligence


Professor Simon X. Yang, University of Guelph, Canada

Title: Biologically Inspired Approaches to Real-time Escape and Rescue of Multiple Robotic Systems


Professor Yong-Duan Song, Chongqing University, China

Title: Neural Network (NN) Driven Control: Stability and Reliability


Professor Xinsong Yang, Sichuan University, China

Title: Mode-dependent Event-triggered Control of Switched Time-delay Systems and UAV Intelligent Cooperative Control

Invited Speakers   特邀嘉宾报告环节


During the breakout sessions, 21 experts from Harbin Institute of Technology, Sichuan University, Shandong University, Southern University of Science and Technology, and other universities discussed three main themes: "Artificial Intelligence Technology and Applications," "Robotics Technology and Applications," and "Intelligent Control and Optimization." The experts and scholars actively participated, creating a vibrant atmosphere conducive to substantial exchanges.


Session 1: Artificial Intelligence Technology and Applications


Professor Aleksei Shinkevich, Kazan National Research Technological University, Russia

Title: The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Process of Predictive Analysis and Organization of Resource-Efficient Chemical Industries

Professor Vladimir Soloviev, Financial University, Russia

Title: Gradient Boosted Decision Trees with Ternary Division by Features

Professor Oleg Kuzenkov, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Title: Modeling Zooplankton Behavior Using Neural Networks

Professor Vladimir Soloviev, Financial University, Russia

Title: Gradient Boosted Decision Trees with Ternary Division by Features

Associate Professor Xin Jin, Yunnan University, China

Title: Image Processing Applications of Generative Models with their Security Research

Associate Professor Xinqiang Chen, Shanghai Maritime University, China

Title: Visual Navigation and Traffic Situation Awareness for Smart Shipping

Associate Professor Elmira Kremleva, Kazan National Research Technical University 

named after A.N. Tupolev — KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Russia

Title: Automatic Typing of Aerospace Imagery Textures Using Cascaded Neural Network 


Associate Professor Natalia Valitova, Kazan National Research Technical 

University named after A.N. Tupolev — KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Russia

Title: Hybrid Model for Predicting an Unknown Process Based on a Cluster 

Version of the K-nearest Neighbors Metho

Session 2: Robotics and Applications


Professor Yong Song, Shandong University, China 

Title: Robot Skills Learning Based on Reinforcement Learning and Large Pre-trained Models

Deputy Dean Mirzoian Mariam, Financial University, Russia

Title: Implementation of the Procedure for Searching for Personnel from 

External Sources Using Neural Networks

Associate Professor Nikita Andriyanov, Financial University, Russia

Title: Development of Intelligent System for a Robot Assistant Based on the Different 

Modalities Data Processing

Associate Professor Jiyu Cheng, Shandong University, China

Title: Multirobot Autonomous Collaboration in Complex Scenarios

Assistant Professor Tatiana Gainutdinova, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev — KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Russia

Title: Modified Flocking Model for  Autonomous Vehicles

Assistant Professor Jiankun Wang, Southern University of Science and 

Technology, China

Title: Sampling-based Robot Path Planning and Its Applications

Assistant Professor Roman Zimov, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russia

Title: The Development of a Hybrid Sports Prototype

Session 3: Intelligent Control and Optimization


Professor Mingzhe Hou, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Title: A singularity-free Preassigned Performance Control Approac

Professor Changzhong Pan, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China

Title: Advanced High-precision Intelligent Tracking Control of Flexible Manipulators with Uncertaintie

Assistant Professor Liguo Tan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Title: A High-Precision Aero-Engine Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Spatial 

Enhancement Convolution and Vision Transformer

Assistant Professor Tangwen Yin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Title: Nonlinear Admissible Control Using Virtual Physics Artificial Intelligence

Assistant Professor Yaping Sun, Sichuan University, China

Title: Consensus Tracking of Switched Heterogeneous Nonlinear Systems with 

Uncertain Target

Assistant Professor Timofei Kuzma, Moscow Polytechnic University, Russia

Title: Components and Control Logic of a Hybrid Sports Prototype

Award 颁奖环节


The conference recommended and awarded 15 academic paper prizes including the "Best Paper Award," "Best Oral Presentation Award," "IR Journal-Best Paper Award," and "Best Poster Award." These awards aim to encourage young scholars to dedicate themselves to scientific research. Many young attendees expressed that the conference provided them with valuable information, strengthened academic exchanges, sharpened their innovative thinking, deepened their understanding of the industry, and inspired new ideas for innovation. They intend to continue advancing research in robotics, artificial intelligence, intelligent control, and related fields, contributing to the development of China's scientific research and the cultivation of scientific talent.


Best Paper Award


Best Oral Presentation Award


IR Journal-Best Paper Award


Best Poster Award

Intelligence & Robotics期刊编委会

  7月7日,梓潼分会场暨Intelligence & Robotics期刊编委会在两弹一星城召开,通过圆桌论坛的形式展开加强国际合作、提升论文质量审核标准等议题讨论,推动IR期刊在领域内学术交流与创新方面迈出坚定的一步。

On July 7th, the Zitong sub-venue and the editorial board meeting of the "Intelligence & Robotics" journal were held in Liangxiang City, focusing on strengthening international cooperation and enhancing the standards for paper quality review through roundtable forums. These discussions aim to propel the "IR Journal" to take a firm step forward in academic exchanges and innovation within its field.



The conference jointly launched the "Science and Technology Afternoon Tea" special event at the Mianyang Industrial Park in Sichuan. This initiative aims to promote the park's openness to the outside world, enhance international exchanges and cooperation, provide a platform for external communication, connect cutting-edge resources, and empower park enterprises for high-quality development.


The conference brought together top experts, scholars, and industry elites from around the world to discuss several hot topics including robot technology and applications, intelligent control and optimization, artificial intelligence technology and applications, among others. Participants shared practical problems encountered and their solutions, discussed the cutting-edge advancements in relevant technologies, exchanged insights on industry trends, and explored future directions.




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